Stefan's DragonCon 2001 Photo Review

Photos by Stefan

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Millicent Olvey - Dawn 2001

Dawn Contest - Winner's Interview

Millicent Olvey (A.K.A. Millicent Hand)

1 - Congratulations on winning the DragonCon 2001 Dawn Look-A-Like Contest. I thought your outfit was stunning; especially the wings. What inspired that costume? And can you tell me about making it?

Well, first off, I need to give credit to Meg Porter, my dear friend and the amazing costume designer who created it. We designed it together, based on various styles from all of the previous costumes that Dawn has worn. We were really happy with the final product. It looked, to us, like something you would really see Dawn wearing. Costume construction credits go to Meg and our great friends Yaya Han and Cat Robinson, with me helping out on the crafty bits like the rose and the skull medallions.

We thought we started well in advance, but we ended up pulling the inevitable all-nighter to get it all ready in time. It was worth it, though. Also, I would like to thank my sister-in-law, Emily, who is a fabulous make-up artist with MAC cosmetics and did a wonderful job on my make-up.

2 - What was it like back stage before the contest?

Dark! Everyone was really friendly, though, which was nice because I was a newbie to the contest and a bit nervous. Because of the wings, I couldn't sit down unless I straddled a chair backwards. Anthony Daniels was making the rounds backstage, meeting the contestants, and he finally came to the end of the hallway where I was sitting like a stripper doing a chair dance...he just kind of shook his head and laughed. I was quite a sight!

During the actual contest, it was torture because we couldn't see the stage at all but we could still hear the roaring noise from an enormous crowd.

3 - As you looked at the other contestants did you think you'd win?

Before the contest, I hoped we'd win because I knew how much time and effort we had put into my costume. When I actually got there, though, I realized that everyone had worked really hard and they all looked great. At that point, you just have to get up there and do your best, like everyone does. It was a great experience overall, even if I hadn't even placed.

But I didn't feel like it was a given at any point until they called my name. The competition was really excellent.

4- You're an actress: Did that make it easier or were you still nervous?

Oh, I don't think anyone ever stops being nervous. Experience being onstage just helps you learn to control your nerves so they don't interfere with what you're trying to do. I was also on really unfamiliar turf, even on a physical level. It's weird getting up on a stage that you've never been on before in front of an audience. That doesn't happen so much in theater, you're usually more familiar with the space. Plus, a big bulky costume like that is a whole new kind of challenge. So, yeah, I was nervous. Not paralyzed with fear, but plenty nervous.

5 - Had you entered the Dawn contest before? Do you regularly attend conventions?

I had not entered before. Actually, although I hesitate to use this term, as far as DragonCon goes I was a "Con-Virgin". I had been to a few anime conventions in the past, so I wasn't totally unfamiliar with the con atmosphere, but DragonCon was different. I also used to play the Faerie Queene at the Georgia Renaissance Festival, so I was used to being in a really large costume around other people in equally large costumes. But DragonCon was a first for me. I had a great time, though, and you can bet from now on I won't miss it! I may even make it to some other sci-fi and fantasy cons later this year.

6 - What was winning like?

It was such a blur! I heard my name, and then I was up on stage, then people were taking my picture and asking me questions...I meant to get the mike at some point just to say thank you to everyone and say how happy I was, but the chance slipped by. So I'll say it now: Thank you so much!!

7 - Congratulations on recently getting married. Who's the lucky guy and what was his reaction to your winning the contest?

Thank you. I got married in May to my wonderful husband, John. He is my sweet little computer geek, and he's been a DragonCon regular for years. He was so excited that I was entering the contest. He actually used his mad DJ skills and mixed a music intro for me to walk out to, but I guess there was a technical glitch and they didn't play it. He was kind of sad about that, but otherwise he was thrilled. He said the guys sitting behind him at the contest didn't believe him when he said I was his wife!

8 - What's next for you?

Well, I'm just plugging away at my modest little acting career, with a wee bit of modeling on the side. Right now, I'm working with a small production of "The Merchant of Venice." I'm also helping the aforementioned Costuming Goddesses, Meg, Yaya, and Cat, get their business up and running. Hopefully they'll have a booth at the GA Renaissance Festival this coming season, but right now the website is up at

Other random things...I'll be appearing on the October cover of the Tobacco Times, a small cigar magazine, just in time for my husband's birthday, which is Halloween. Devil boy! Look for a possible return to the cast of the Ren Fest, if the Faerie Queene position is available. I'm really getting good at this wing thing! Also, and most exciting of all, Mr. Linsner has suggested that he might like to work with me as a model at some point in the future. I'm so honored, I just can't stand it!

9 - Do you have anything you'd like to say to your new fans and future contest hopefuls?

Once again, thank you so much to all the people who supported me and cheered me on. You were all great. And for anyone who is planning on entering, trust me, it's such a big accomplishment just to have enough confidence to get out there. It's so worth it, it always is, win or lose.

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Created Sept. 7, 2001
© 2001 Stefan Oestreicher
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