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Stefan's Chili Review

21st Annual Miller Lite Chili Cook Off

Z93 Kicks 101.5 Creative Loafing

The 21st Annual Miller Lite Chili Cook Off took place at Stone Mountain park on Oct 7th, 2000 It started at 11am. but we didn't make it there until 2pm. Partly because traffic across town was terrible due to construction.

But when we did get there we were amazed by the number and variety of chili to sample: all served in shot cups. Most were just average, but some were very good and a few were great. Many took offense when I commented that their "Super Hot" wasn't very hot, and mixed up a special shot for me. After a shot of pure tobasco, I didn't accept any more "Special mixtures"

The problem with the contest is that there are too many people with too many preferences. I like hot and tasty but most were shooting for a mild savory flavor. Of course the too tomatoey, too many onions, watery, and bland were immediately eliminated, but my favourite didn't even rank.

But with over 300 teams competing, I couldn't try them all either. Many were out of chili by the time we got to them. So if you take it seriously - go early.

Also, we had trouble finding non-alcoholic drinks that didn't have terribly long lines. I've been told there were four booths, but they must not have been well marked.

There was good music and stuff for the kids though, and parking, once inside, wasn't a problem.

The folks from Pepcid AC passing out free samples was a plus too

Chef's were putting everything in the chili

Vote for our chili and get leid, it says on the sign. They were young, fresh, and attractive - it was very tempting. Don't they have lovely coconuts?

Actually, their style of Hawaiian Chili with pineapple was very good. It had that sweet and sour taste which was very good

Many booths were sponsored by companies. Others were run by groups and even two radio stations: Z93 and Kicks 101.7. But my favourite were the theme booths like: M*A*S*H, which even had a Klinger and Father Mulcahey.

We didn't see all the musical performers but I did enjoy this one. This is Eric Heatherly from Tennessee. He had a great Rock/Country sound that people really enjoyed.

Official web site
Big Bruno's fan site

Thousands of people were camped out on blankets and beach chairs to enjoy the musical feature. Many couldn't contain themselves and were dancing and frolicking about. It was a strange variety of people from every walk of society from teenagers in dayglo colors to motorcycle grandmas to hippies to yuppies.

It's seems like a good idea to me: Put a pretty girl in your booth and people will try your chili. Then again, after eating chili for a few hours, my judgment wasn't working too good and I'd do just about anything they asked.

You can't go to a festival in Georgia without boiled peanuts

The End(s)

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Created Oct. 8, 2000
© 2002 Stefan Oestreicher
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